Woodford Halse Archive

Fête and Sports

News Clips : NM 18940824


 FETE AND SPORTS..—A fête and athletic sports were held at Woodford last Friday, and was most successful, a large number of people being present.

The field adjoining the Vicarage was kindly lent for the occasion by the Rev. F. A. Smith. The proceeds are to be given to the poor widows of the parish.

The committee was as follows:—Rev. F.A. Smith, Messrs. R. W. P.Tew, E. North, J. Phipps, A. Phihps [sic], J. Lovell, H.Smith, W. Wright, T. Kiteley, W. Ward, J. Marlow, G. Marriott, W. Marriott, G. Johnson, F. Ward, E. Scarr, J. Marriott, A. Marriott, and S. Stubbs (hon. Sec.).

The arrangements were carried out in a very able and efficient manner. The following are the results of the sports:—

100yds. Race (for boys under 12), 1 L. Phipps, 2 F. Phipps, 3 S. Adams.

Quater-mile race, 1 W. Ward, 2 W. Checkley, 3 W. Ward.

100yds. Flat Race , 1 H. Ward, 2 W. Checkley.

Long Jump, 1 W. Ward, 2 W. Checkley, 3 W. Ward.

Potato race, 1 W .Marriott, 2 W. Checkley, 3 W. Ward.

Mile race (open). 1 W. Coleman, 2 R. Coleman, 3 T. Savill.

Pole jump, 1 W. Marriott, 2 T. Marriott.

Three-legged race, 1 G. Webb and H. Ward, 2 T Marriott and J. Smith.

The maypole dance executed by two groups out of Woodford School, was won by the second group. This was very prettily done, and reflected much credit on Mr. Stubbs’ careful and patient teaching of the children.

The Rev. F. A. Smith was the judge of this and Mr. Attenborough, of Catesby House, kindly acted as judge of the sports, &c.

The Culworth Band was in attendance and played for dancing in a tent in the evening. This was well kept up until twelve o’clock.

There were the usual holiday accompaniments in the shape of steam horses, swings, stalls, cocoa-nut bowling, and other amusements. Refreshments were also provided in the tent.

The attendance was very good, many people coming for the dancing in the evening. The promoters and the energetic secretary (Mr. Stubbs) are to be congratulated on the success which attended the first Woodford fête and sports.

Note:&c is an older form of writing the abbreviation ‘etc..’

Originally printed in the Northampton Mercury 24th August 1894.

Thank you to Lucy Allen for all the research.

By kind permission of British Newspaper Archive

Newspaper clipping from the Northampton Mercury 24th August 1894. Woodford Fete and Sports.
Fête and Sports